Join us at Bayonne Public Library for Tech Thursdays with our Adult Services Librarian, Bill! All sessions meet on Thursdays from 2:30-3:30 pm in the Basement. Each class will have a specific focus.
This class will focus on Basic Email.
Register for just one class or for all of them! Advanced registration is preferred, but walk-ins will be accommodated if possible. Register at:
Individual class descriptions are below:
Basic Computing: This class introduces students to the computer. We will briefly discuss hardware & software, apps & files, security, and getting online. Students will learn how to use a mouse and keyboard to navigate the computer. They will learn how to run programs.
Basic Internet: This class introduces students to the Internet. Students will learn what the World Wide Web is and how to navigate it using a browser. They will learn how to search and also how to tell good sites from bad sites. Prerequisites: Students need to know how to use a mouse and keyboard and how to click on icons.
Basic Email: In this class, students will set up a Gmail account. They will learn how to send and receive email, how to send and receive attachments, and learn good email security habits. Prerequisites: Students must know how to use a mouse and keyboard. They must also know how to use a browser and navigate the World Wide Web.
Basic Google Drive: This class introduces students to the cloud based software suite, Google Drive. They will learn how to write a document in Google Docs. They will also learn how to print, share, and email the document. They will also be introduced to spreadsheets in Google Sheets. Prerequisites: Students must know how to use a mouse and keyboard. They must also know how to use a browser and navigate the World Wide Web. Students must also have a Gmail account.
Basic eBooks: This class introduces students to eBooks. They will learn how to use Axis360, the eBook service of the Bayonne Public Library. They will learn about eReaders, like Amazon kindles, and apps for mobile devices. They will also learn about free and low cost eBook sites.
June 16, 2022 at 2:30pm - 3:30pm