Are you the person responsible for your family or individual finances? Is the financial world intimidating? Are you a college graduate, a person enjoying retirement, or saving for your child's education? By attending this workshop, you will learn how to develop skills that will enable you to be more comfortable financially! Presented by Renzo Molero and Paul Orosz. Paul Orosz has worked as a financial representative throughout the tri-state area for the past 15 years. Paul's certifications include: Life Producer, Series 6, Series 63, and Series 65.
March 11, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Renzo Molero & Paul Orosz
Are you the person responsible for your family or individual finances? Is the financial world intimidating? Are you a college graduate, a person enjoying retirement, or saving for your child's education? By attending this workshop, you will learn how to develop skills that will enable you to be more comfortable financially! Presented by Renzo Molero and Paul Orosz. Paul Orosz has worked as a financial representative throughout the tri-state area for the past 15 years. Paul's certifications include: Life Producer, Series 6, Series 63, and Series 65.
March 11, 2020 at 6:00pm - 7pm
Renzo Molero & Paul Orosz
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