"Madan Sara" is a film from Haitian journalist, Etant Dupain. The film centers on the informal status of women in the Haitian society and their importance to that same society and how it functions. Madan Saras deliver goods throughout the country and most times sell their goods in the public marketplaces to support their families. However, it is dangerous work because they are subject to being robbed, disruption on the street which holds up commerce, and other dangers. Most times they are not protected by the authorities. The film will be shown and there will be a discussion with Etant where he will talk about the film, the issues in the film, and the overall climate for women entrepreneurs and Madan Saras in Haiti.
"Madan Sara" is a film from Haitian journalist, Etant Dupain. The film centers on the informal status of women in the Haitian society and their importance to that same society and how it functions. Madan Saras deliver goods throughout the country and most times sell their goods in the public marketplaces to support their families. However, it is dangerous work because they are subject to being robbed, disruption on the street which holds up commerce, and other dangers. Most times they are not protected by the authorities. The film will be shown and there will be a discussion with Etant where he will talk about the film, the issues in the film, and the overall climate for women entrepreneurs and Madan Saras in Haiti.