Oral history is talking history, it is the recording of people's memory. Our oral history project is intended to bring history to life as Bayonne residents narrate their experiences on war, culture and heritage. The first phase of our oral history collection is the Veterans' History Project and the second contains the reminiscence of Bayonne residents as they walk down memory lane.
This collection contains a wealth of information and we are pleased to offer these to our community.
Veterans' History Project
There are 19 million war veterans now living in the United States, but everyday we lose about 1,500 of them. The United States Congress created the Veterans History Project , and was signed into law by President Clinton on October 27, 2000. VHP is designated to collect first-hand-accounts of U.S. veterans and to preserve their unique experience for future generations.
Here are personal narratives of some of the War Veterans of Bayonne; the tapes are arranged in alphabetical order by last name.
A prior appointment is necessary to hear these compelling accounts of war.
The interviews took place in the Archives of the Bayonne Free Public Library.
Antinoro, Stephen War: WWII |
Ballwec, Owen E. War: Korean |
Barulli, Larry War: Korean |
Bednarski, Henry War: WWII |
Benedetto, Eugene War: Korean |
Berens, Gerald War: WWII |
Brelinsky, Michael War: WWII |
Mayor Dennis P. Collins War: WWII |
Cook, Vincent War: WWII |
DeFrank, Joseph War: Vietnam |
Ege, Frederic S. War: WWII |
Ferrante, Serafino War: WWII |
Gironda, Vito War: WWII |
Glowacki, Alfred War: WWII |
Goldman, Edward War: WWII |
Harris, Henry War: WWII |
Hennessey, James War: WWII |
Herbert, Edwin War: Korean |
Kowalczyk, Edward War: Korean |
Lazarov, Harry War: Korean |
Ormsby, John War: Korean |
Newman, Irving War: WWII |
Pipolo, Joseph War: WWII |
Powers, Edward F War: WWII |
Rooney, John War: Vietnam |
Rossnick, Gerald H. War: WWII |
Ryan, Francis War: WWII |
Sanchez, Henry War: WWII |
Schimel, Beatrice War: WWII |
Shumann, Gerald War: Korean |
Silvocka, Frank War: WWII |
Sullivan, Ralph War: WWII |
Yoffredo, Gil War: Korean |
Zare, George War: WWII |